Project Type: MFA Student Game Studio Project
Contribution: Individual Contributor: Level Design, Graphic Design, Game Trailer
Outcome: Showcased at PAX East 2024
Seek Revenge from a Broken System
Street Rider is an arcade combat racing game designed around the classic PlayStation 1 art style. Fight your way with your vehicle through thugs as they attempt to destroy you and claim your revenge from their violence.
-Follow directions given by Studio lead as an individual contributor
-Design a level in a racing game format
-Research and understand PlayStation 1 graphics and aesthetic
-Wear different hats such as: make game trailer, digital designs, and textures
-Capturing Studio lead's vision through multiple drafts and communication
What I Learned:
-Presenting multiple varying drafts promotes alternate ideas and discussion
-Game asset resource management and organization
-Basic skills 3D modeling in Blender
-Texture sizes, pixels, and the different ways they can be wrapped around objects
-Develop stronger greyboxing skills for level designs
Final Level Design, End of Studio
Final Level Design, End of Studio
Side View of Final Level Design
Side View of Final Level Design
Final Level Design, Showcasing Cleaned Up Faces per Studio Lead Instruction
Final Level Design, Showcasing Cleaned Up Faces per Studio Lead Instruction
Player Start View of Final Level Design
Player Start View of Final Level Design
Learning to Work in Blender! Making the Race Track (Based off Studio Lead's Design)
Learning to Work in Blender! Making the Race Track (Based off Studio Lead's Design)
First Greybox Layout, Week 2 of Studio
First Greybox Layout, Week 2 of Studio
Final Greybox Level Design, Week 6 of Studio
Final Greybox Level Design, Week 6 of Studio
Street Rider at Clark University BSDT Booth During PAX East 2024
Street Rider at Clark University BSDT Booth During PAX East 2024
Digital Design: Billboard #1 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #1 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #2 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #2 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #3 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #3 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #4 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #4 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #5 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #5 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #6 for Other Game Level
Digital Design: Billboard #6 for Other Game Level

Street Rider, PAX East 2024 Trailer (Constructed and Edited by Lauren Gallagher)

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