Spy Tower Main Menu

Project Type: Solo Game Design Challenge
Contribution: Project Owner
Outcome: Shipped to Itch.io, Showcased at Clark IGDA Game-EXPO (11/18/2023)
How fast can you get to the top?
Your mission...find the quickest method to jump to the top of the tower. Race the timer as you find the path...but be careful! Miscalculated jumps can send you back to the bottom!
-Craft a workable, 1-level, prototype utilizing free assetsĀ 
-Work in Unreal Engine (no prior experience)
-Complete in three weeks
-Program smooth player momentum, movement, and accurate collision physics
-Utilize 2D tile-sets to create engaging level and sprite animations
What I Learned:
-Unreal Engine basics, Blueprints, UI, and Paper 2D
-Player movement physics are both an art and exact science
-2D Platformer "S-shape" Level Design
-Working with tile-sets and animating 2D sprites while keeping collision in mind
-The value of play-testing acquired from gaming expos
Presenting Spy Tower at the Clark IGDA Game-Expo, October 25th, 2023
Presenting Spy Tower at the Clark IGDA Game-Expo, October 25th, 2023
Overall Level Map with Blueprints
Overall Level Map with Blueprints
Level TileMap
Level TileMap
Spy Player Event Graph Blueprints
Spy Player Event Graph Blueprints
Player Jumping, 2D Sprite Flipbook Animation
Player Jumping, 2D Sprite Flipbook Animation
Pause Menu Widget, Simple Design
Pause Menu Widget, Simple Design
Pause Menu in Game
Pause Menu in Game
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