Project Type: MassDigi Spring 2024 Internship
Contribution: Individual Contributor for Spring 2024: Design
Outcome: Game Shipped on App Stores, Spring 2024 Internship Updates (Not Yet Shipped)
Use Your Leaf-blower Jetpack to Collect All the Acorns!
Rodent Rampage is mobile side-scrolling runner where you play as S.Q. Tailblazer the squirrel. With the help of a stolen leaf-blower, this squirrel is determined to collect more acorns than ever before!
-Create new designs for updates on an already shipped product
-Utilize a preexisting Unity Plastic SCM repository
-Sort through previous development work to understand project
-Craft jump patterns that were both reasonable and fresh
-Learn Unity PreFab and PreFab variant structures
What I Learned:
-Proper documentation can help new team members acclimate efficiently
-Separate branches per task in version control are safest, NEVER only use the main branch
-Assets for Player to collect around obstacles requires balanced placement
-Experience working in a virtual team meeting environment
-Using Unity for mobile game development techniques
Adding My Acorn Pattern Designs to Game Spawner
Adding My Acorn Pattern Designs to Game Spawner
Go! Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Go! Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Lightbulb Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Lightbulb Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Leaf Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Leaf Acorn Pattern in Unity PreFab Editor
Maple Leaf Acorn Pattern
Maple Leaf Acorn Pattern
Magnet Powerup Acorn Pattern
Magnet Powerup Acorn Pattern
x2 Powerup Acorn Pattern
x2 Powerup Acorn Pattern
Shield Powerup Acorn Pattern
Shield Powerup Acorn Pattern
Obstacle Set Design
Obstacle Set Design
Gun Powerup Acorn Pattern
Gun Powerup Acorn Pattern
Simple Jumping Acorn Pattern Design
Simple Jumping Acorn Pattern Design
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